Does Your Cat Like Watching TV?

Does your cat like watching TV? My Pet Cat Kinky used to. I remember when I lived in a flat and only had a small portable television that sat on a coffee table (sad lol).

Kinky used to like watching the snooker on the telly. Whenever it came on she would jump on the coffee table and sit in front of the screen watching the balls being hit around the snooker table. She would keep her eyes fixed firmly on the balls, then jump up to the TV and try and catch them. The she would run around behind the TV and wonder where the balls went to. She was so funny, she used to look so puzzled! She would turn round and give me a bewildered look as if to say "where have all the balls gone?"

Cats Are Such Funny Creatures

Cats are such funny creatures. I just love them. I have heard (to my disgust) some people say "what are cats for? all they do is eat and sleep"

Of course us cat lovers know that is just not true. Cats are funny, lively, entertaining and very loving and cuddly (when they choose to be lol).

My Pet Cat Kinky was such a funny creature, so lively, she used to dash around the house and do cartwheels! Then she would run up the stairs and come half way down the stairs again and play hide and seek through the bannisters. Then we would have a sort of mock boxing match, when she would put her paws through the bannisters and dab and me. She never had her claws out either, bless her.

Are You A Cat Person?

They say that people can be likened to animals and I have always thought of myself as a cat person.

Cats are independent and can be quite distainful at times. On the other hand they can also be very warm and friendly, cuddly and playful. I suppose you could say that cats are two faced!

There is nothing quite like sitting down in my favourite comfortable armchair in the evening with my pet cat curled up on my lap, purring gently, making me feel more and more relaxed. How lovely stroking that soft silky fur, the troubles of the day just melting away. Purr, purr, purr I can feel myself getting more and more relaxed, my is head nodding, that hypnotic purring.....I'm heading to the land of nod.